4 Bullet Journal Ideas for Manifestation

Bullet journaling is an important technique for manifestation. Manifestation works on the principle that we attract events and opportunities that reflect our outlook. We receive what we give out to the universe. Bullet journaling uses a shorthand which narrows down the amount of time you spend categorising goals. Bullet journal ideas for manifestation give you inspiration and direction, maximising your chances of manifestation success.

How to Manifest Fitness Goals in a Bullet Journal

Bullet journaling helps you to track your progress towards manifestation. One of the best bullet journal ideas for manifestation is to bullet journal to support your fitness routines. In a bullet journal, you can record your fitness plans for the month ahead using bullet journaling shorthand. Initials of different fitness activities can be plotted in as categorisation symbols.

(Wa) - Walking

(Yo) - Yoga

(Pi) - Pilates 

(T-C) - Tai Chi

You can then plot out how you want to complete these tasks, with details of how you felt before and after your exercise routines, and records of which routines are effective. Examples of symbols include:

(!) - Rigorous/brisk session

(*) - Mindful exercise session

(#) - Effective session

(/) - Tiring session 

(“) - Eases pain or stress symptoms

(>) - Requires more practice

Bullet Journal Ideas for Manifestation in a Happiness Planner

One of the best benefits of bullet journaling is that you can use it to see at a single glance what your plans are for the current month. To manifest your goals for happiness, review your bullet journal for the month ahead and categorise which events are positive, and which are negative

Are there any trends? There are negative experiences we cannot avoid, but we can minimise the time we spend on events that contribute to unhappiness. Are work tasks making you feel unhappy? Perhaps it's time to shake up your career path. Dreading an upcoming event? Plot in mindfulness before and after to relax you through the process. 

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Simple bullet journaling tips

Below is a list of simple tips and tricks to help making bullet journaling part of your daily routine. The simpler something is, the more likely we are to adopt it as a new habit.

1. Use any existing journal or planner to get started

Now bullet journals have been created in a way to allow full flexibility for the user to decide the page layout, but this isn't entirely necessary for when you're starting out. If you have an existing planner, journal, or notebook, then you can start your bullet journal journey with this.

2. Make your layout simple

Simple is the name of the game here. There is no point in creating elaborate and complex layouts in your bullet journal - they may take too long to create, become hard to understand, and eventually become unused. Bullet journaling is an effective form of journaling, because it can be made simple and to the point. 

3. Just use pen

Now, you may see on various Instagram posts, beautifully laid out journals that use various highlighters and washi tape. While these look like a piece of art, they may not be right for you. If you're new to bullet journaling, then we would recommend using one fine liner pen. This will be the best type of pen for you to use, as it can be used effectively for creating grids and also writing text. As you become more advanced, and want to add some colour and excitement to your page, then by all means start to experiment with other mediums.

4. Use existing bullet journal page templates

There are plenty of ready made templates online for you to view. Find one that you like and that works for your needs. The beauty of bullet journaling, is that you can take what works from existing templates, and then add your own requirements.

5. Go digital

Pen to paper isn't for everyone, and in todays world there are more people who prefer to go digital. You can create an effective bullet journal in digital format on a tablet. At the end of the day, you need to find out what works best for you.

Bullet Journaling for Manifestation in a Budget Planner Book

The best bullet journal ideas for manifestation in a budget planner book focus on analysing patterns. What are you spending the most money on? How frequently do you spend on these items? 

Look for purchases that are both expensive and avoidable. Consider why you purchased those items? Were they impulse buys? What purpose did they serve? Do you still use them? Is there a cheaper alternative you could buy instead? All these issues are important to consider when using a bullet journal for your budget.

Bullet Journal Ideas for Manifestation in a Self Love Journal

When we complete our day to day tasks - whether doing the laundry or replying to work emails - how often do we make time for ourselves? We might sit down to watch Netflix for an hour or two in the evening, but when do we make a note in our daily planners to take care of our wellbeing? 

The best bullet journal ideas for manifestation give you the opportunity to make a date with yourself. Plot in designated times for relaxation and self care within your bullet journal. Your feelings of self love can only progress as you support and nurture your own wellbeing, whether through mindful meditation or simply relaxing with a cup of green tea.

Bullet journal ideas for manifestation can save valuable time and energy spent on laborious planning, and focus it on what really matters: reaching your goals! Bullet journaling simplifies the journey to success, and makes goal setting easy. If you're aiming to run a marathon, save money for a rainy day, or just want to learn to love yourself more, follow these bullet journal ideas to set yourself up for success and reach your dreams.

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