How to Use the 33×3 Manifestation Method in 5 Steps

Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires into reality.

There are many ways to do this, but many of them take a long time to do. If you're someone who needs a quick sprint start on your manifestation journey, the most popular and effective method for you is 33×3 Manifestation Method. 

Let's take a closer look. 

33x3 manifestation theory

The 33×3 manifestation method is a process of using the power of your thoughts and feelings to attract what you want into your life. It is based on the law of attraction, which says that like attracts like. In other words, you can attract things into your life by focusing on them and making them feel real in your mind. 

It stems from the principles popularised by Nicolas Tesla.  He said that everything is energy and that our thoughts and feelings are also energy. He believed that we can attract things into our lives by using the power of our thoughts and feelings. And most importantly, he believed in the power of the number 3.

The number 3 is a very powerful number. It is the number of manifestation. When you focus on something and feel it in your mind, you are putting out a certain frequency or vibration. This vibration will attract things that are in alignment with it. 

For example, if you are feeling angry and frustrated, you will attract more anger and frustration into your life. But if you focus on feelings of love, happiness, and gratitude, you will attract more love, happiness, and gratitude into your life.

The 33×3 manifestation method takes this one step further by using the power of thirty-three for three days. 

When you focus on something and feel it in your mind thirty-three times, you are amplifying its power. You are putting out a stronger vibration and attracting things that are in alignment with it.

So, if you want to attract more love, happiness, and gratitude into your life, you would focus on those feelings three times. You would feel them in your mind and body thirty-three times. This would amplify their power and help you attract more of what you want. 

The process of the 33x3 manifestation method

Before we break down the five steps needed to achieve this manifestation, let's go through exactly how you are going to do it.

For the next three days, you are going to write down the affirmation you create during the five steps, thirty-three times.

Ideally, this should be done analogue - with a pen and paper, since these both amplify the spirituality of the process. You might even want to dedicate a journal to your manifestation.

You'll repeat the process for three days.

Ok, let's get into the details...

Mindfulness manifest

Five steps to apply the 33x3 manifestation method to your life

The 33×3 manifestation method is a simple but powerful way to manifest what you want in life. All you need to do is follow these five steps:

1) Choose what you want to manifest.

2) Create an affirmation around it. 

3) Write it down thirty-three times.

4) Repeat the process for three days.

5) Believe that you will receive what you've asked for.

Let's go through each of these steps in detail so that you can start manifesting what you want in life.

1) Choose what you want to manifest 

The first step is to choose what you want to manifest. This can be anything that you want to attract into your life.

Some examples might be:

 -More money

-A new car

-A new job

-A new house

-A better relationship

-Better health

You can choose anything that you want. The sky's the limit. Just make sure that it is something that you really want and that it is something that is realistic (for example, it's almost impossible you'll be going up in space after the three days if you're not enrolled in a space program). 

2) Create an affirmation around it 

The second step is to create an affirmation around what you have chosen to manifest. This is a statement that affirms that you will receive what you've asked for. 

Some examples might be:

-I am attracting more money into my life. 

-I am attracting a new car into my life.

-I am attracting a new job into my life.

-I am attracting a new house into my life.

-I am attracting a better relationship into my life.

-I am attracting better health into my life.

Again, you can use any affirmation that you want as long as it is in alignment with what you are trying to manifest. Just make sure that it is something that you believe and that you write it in the present tense.

3) Write it down thirty-three times 

The third step is to write your affirmation down thirty-three times. This is where the magic really happens.

When you write something down, you are putting it out into the universe. You are telling the universe that this is what you want and that you are ready to receive it. 

The more you write it down, the stronger the message becomes. And when you do it thirty-three times, you are amplifying its power even further.

So, take some time to write your affirmation down thirty-three times.

And most importantly, make sure that you really feel it and believe it as you are writing it.


4) Repeat the process for three days

The fourth step is to repeat the process for three days. This is important because it allows you to really embed the affirmation into your subconscious mind.

The more you write it down, the more likely you are to believe it and the more likely it is to come true.

So, make sure that you write it down thirty-three times for three days in a row.

5) Believe that you will receive what you've asked for

The fifth and final step is to believe that you will receive what you've asked for. This is the most important step of all because if you don't believe it, then it won't happen.

You have to truly believe that what you are asking for is going to come into your life. Only then will the universe start working in your favour.

And remember, the more specific you are with your affirmation, the better. The more details you can add, the better.

But most importantly, give it time for the universe to work its magic; just believe that it is going to happen and have faith!

It’s time to manifest the life you’ve always wanted

And that's it! Just follow these five steps, and you will be well on your way to manifesting what you want in life. But remember, the key is to take action and to really believe that it is going to happen.

If you do that, then there is no doubt that you will achieve your goals. So, go out there and make it happen!

How to Use the 33×3 Manifestation Method in 5 Steps - Pinterest

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